AccountabilityDevra OchsJune 23, 2021 Life is A Series of Experiments Rather than staying frustrated and confused as to why a desired change isn’t happening, try to get curious about your mindset. AccountabilityDevra OchsJune 23, 2021
Accountability, Autonomous Mastery, EmpowermentDevra OchsOctober 29, 2020 The Irony of Not Discussing the Undiscussable Roger Schwarz, author of “Smart Leaders, Smarter Teams,” describes undiscussable issues as issues that are relevant to the task at hand but are believed to be undiscussable. Accountability, Autonomous Mastery, EmpowermentDevra OchsOctober 29, 2020
AccountabilityDevra OchsMarch 12, 2019 9 Tips To Help Us Focus For those of us who don’t—which is most everyone. AccountabilityDevra OchsMarch 12, 2019
Accountability, Autonomous MasteryDevra OchsFebruary 22, 2019 Are Your Attitudes and Behaviors Still Relevant? Have you ever stopped to consider the choices you have made throughout your life? Accountability, Autonomous MasteryDevra OchsFebruary 22, 2019
Accountability, EmpowermentDevra OchsSeptember 15, 2018 Kvetching The noun kvetch is defined by Merriam Webster as “to complain habitually.” Accountability, EmpowermentDevra OchsSeptember 15, 2018
AccountabilityDevra OchsApril 15, 2018 Deadlines And Creativity Those who get ahead have figured out the importance of deadlines. AccountabilityDevra OchsApril 15, 2018
AccountabilityDevra OchsMarch 15, 2018 Relationship Triangles The psychological theory of a triangle speaks to systems thinking. The triangle represents a three-person emotional system. AccountabilityDevra OchsMarch 15, 2018
AccountabilityDevra OchsJanuary 15, 2018 Unlike Us Being unlike or different from our usual selves requires making different choices than we normally make. AccountabilityDevra OchsJanuary 15, 2018
AccountabilityDevra OchsJanuary 16, 2017 What’s My Mood Today? To transform our mood we need to create a new narrative. AccountabilityDevra OchsJanuary 16, 2017
AccountabilityDevra OchsNovember 20, 2016 Life as Paradox Life and human development are basically a never-ending series of paradoxes. AccountabilityDevra OchsNovember 20, 2016
AccountabilityDevra OchsSeptember 20, 2016 How We Handle Failure Determines Our Success We don’t need to compete in athletics to experience the human drama of failure and success. AccountabilityDevra OchsSeptember 20, 2016
AccountabilityDevra OchsMay 20, 2016 "Sing Street" A movie that should be on your list if you’re seeking a bit of inspiration. AccountabilityDevra OchsMay 20, 2016