Autonomous Mastery
The gift to be able to close the gap between where you are
and where you want to be.
I am a wholistic coach. Working with emerging leaders, I approach not just one aspect of your life, but the narratives that drive your behavior in all aspects of your life.
Because you are more than the concern that you walk in the door with, I give you the space for introspection, as well as the freedom to reframe some of the narratives that don’t serve you and to recognize those that do. In essence, I will enable you to level the playing field on your journey by closing the gap between where you are now and where you know you want to be. I help you recognize your blind spots. Knowing what you can’t see about yourself, or won’t see, is one of the most powerful ways to begin to reshape your relationship with your career, your loved ones, and most importantly, with yourself.
Working over a predetermined time period, we will define our purpose, agree on outcomes and work towards them together.
We will start from where you are and make a plan to move forward from there. My eye is firmly focused on giving you the ability to be more effective in your career, your relationships and your personal goals. Ultimately you will take with you the sustainable tools that will serve you long after your coaching with me is through.
That is my value to you. Helping you gain the Autonomous Mastery you need to keep moving forward.
Don’t Believe Everything You Think
Our work together begins with your mindset. Who do you see yourself to be? What is the story you are telling about yourself? What energy is that story projecting to the world? To your job? To your internal sense of wellbeing? My approach is derived from the concepts of self-actualization and narrative to help you see your possibilities, recognize your internal barriers, and to evaluate whether the stories you tell yourself serve you or not. Our work together will reveal the gaps between your mindset and your aspirations so that you may realize your own AHA moments.
Make no mistake, it’s not just about replacing negative stories with positive ones. It’s about replacing powerlessness with true, authentic empowerment. It’s about regaining agency, accountability, and the power to make change.
What Stories are Standing Between You and Your Own Success?
“I’m in transition.”
No job. New job, new role. I’ve lost my bearings and I’m not sure where to go from here. I’m not sure who I am right now.
“I’m uncertain about change.”
I’ve been promoted with new responsibilities. I’ve never managed employees before. I’m not sure I have the skills to do this.
“I’m overwhelmed.”
I have no work/life balance. I feel out of control. I’m in over my head and I don’t know what to do.
“My relationships aren’t working.”
My employees, my team even my personal life, I’m not connecting with them. Is it me or is it them?
“I’m burned out.”
I’ve had great success and I always have goals. Now I’m not motivated and I don’t know why. I want my mojo back.
“I procrastinate.”
I’m afraid if I act, I will fail. I want it to be perfect and it’s not perfect yet.
“I’m an imposter.”
I’m not good enough, smart enough or capable enough. How did I get here?
Overcoming powerless narratives is the whole ball game.
Together, with new tools, and actionable skills, we’ll build an internal dialogue that you can rely on. One with a positive upward spiral from agency to accountability to empowerment to success.
Let’s sit down together and talk.