Workforce Field Guide

My name is
Devra Ochs.
I am an
accredited PCC.


It’s the path of my life. I worked various aspects of sales, management and marketing for 20 years before I discovered my passion for coaching. The turning point for me was when I had an opportunity to mentor an at-risk youth through Colorado Youth at Risk. What I learned was the epic satisfaction I felt knowing that I could be the person who had another person’s back. This young person actually changed my life knowing that I could help her change hers. Today, I’m accredited as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coach Federation. I hold certificates in the DISC Assessment, the Enneagram in Business, the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence, 360 Degree Assessment Facilitator from the Center for Creative Leadership, and a Family Business Advisor Certificate from the Family Firm Institute. In 2014, I became the founder and principal of Ochtree Coaching. Since then, I have worked with hundreds of individuals, as well as corporate executives, management teams, and leaders in higher education. 

Today, as an executive coach, I take enormous pride in the fact that I have the backs of community leaders, and future leaders alike— all who want to be more effective in their careers, relationships, and personal goals.

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Coaching is about shedding light on who you really want to be.


There is no greater tool in my coaching tool belt than my own life experience. And as my professional career has unfolded from sales and marketing into an executive and personal coach, I know one thing for sure: at each step of my journey, I have learned my greatest lessons through the power of vulnerability, accessibility and amazingly sports— which taught me about the gifts of perseverance, openness, sportsmanship, competition, honesty, and gratitude. These lessons have illuminated my path, and taught me how to turn moments of confusion, disappointment and vulnerability into profound growth. And so each time I take on a special and unique journey with one of my clients, I bring everything I learned from the beginning of my own personal journey to the moment we meet face to face.


A Little More About Me.