WisdomDevra Ochs

Running Mates

WisdomDevra Ochs
Running Mates

Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day… we’re in the midst of the holiday season. It seems that the pace heightens exponentially this time of year. Some people thrive in this environment, while others retreat.

The idea of a merry-go-round as a metaphor seems appropriate right now. It’s easy to stay on when you’re in the middle, but you can fly off when you’re on the edge. 

Family gatherings, office parties, shopping and entertaining can make us feel like we’re going to fly off the edge at any moment.  

Community offers us a sense of belonging and a sense that we matter. 

At heart, we human beings are pack animals. We’re tribal creatures, designed to care for one another to sustain our existence. Each of us needs running mates, cohorts to congregate with, and people to support and feel support from. Community offers us a sense of belonging and a sense that we matter. 

Isolation, on the other hand, can breed a lack of connection to others—and especially to ourselves. We don’t need to be reminded what happens when people feel alone. They often fly off the edge with devastating results. 

During this busy holiday season, my wish is that we each stay connected to our community. It’s through a daily practice of shared and collective energy that we sustain hope and good will towards ourselves and each other. 

As the merry-go-round metaphor suggests, staying close to the center ensures that we won’t fly off the edge. 

Happy holidays!