WisdomDevra Ochs

Navigating Tough Decisions

WisdomDevra Ochs
Navigating Tough Decisions

Baseball's iconic Yogi Berra once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” This is easier said than done, right? Decision-making can be quite confusing. If it were simply a matter of using our rational minds, writing down the pros and cons would be enough to clarify our next move. But employing this one-dimensional exercise may not be sufficient.

Our body’s wisdom must enter into the equation. After all, our body is not just a vehicle to transport our head; it is an integrated part of our being that is communicating with us in every moment. If we’re in our head more than in our body, we’re unaware of what our body is telling us.  

The Body Keeps the Score

Imagine the successful doctor who has a full medical practice. A family member is dying, and his patient schedule is full. The doctor continues to work at a frantic pace and travels 2,000 miles every three weeks to see his dying relative. He senses he’s not feeling well, but he ignores his terrible cough and fatigue. Finally, pneumonia settles in his lungs, and the doctor is forced to honor his body and rest. 

When we begin to listen to our body’s messages, we experience a greater sense of integration and fulfillment. Decision-making is no different. Having a “felt-sense” of how our body feels as we navigate each fork in the road ensures that our next move is unified between our head, heart and body. 

Guidance for navigating your next decision:

1. As you consider your options, check in with your body and notice any tension, tightness or sense of relief in choosing one direction or another. 

2. Allow yourself the time and space to live with the decision and then revisit how this feels for you. Be sensitive to what your intuition or gut is telling you. 

3. Listen and trust your body’s wisdom.