Finding our Way in Uncertain Times
For many of us, life has either sped up or slowed down, depending on our particular situation. If you work in an “essential” business, your activities probably have increased. You may have had to set up a home office or make it more functional. Or you’ve had to coordinate a virtual meeting platform, not just for yourself but for your team members. On top of these operational logistics, you might be called to calm the emotional waters of those around you.
For others, business may have nearly or completely ground to a halt. You may have more time on your hands or not be working at all. In either case, you—and all the rest of us—are charged with finding our way in uncharted territory. What’s more, we must do so without concrete data to plan our next moves.
Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, authors of “Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life,” speak to the concept of wayfinding: “Wayfinding is the ancient art of figuring out where you’re going when you don’t actually know your destination. For wayfinding, you need a compass and you need a direction. Not a map—a direction.”
In these uncertain times, we each have to rely on our own internal compass to point the way forward. If we’re struggling to wayfind, social distancing can be a gift for personal reflection. This is important because when we come up to the big life questions, we want to have the benefit of developed introspection.
Embracing practices that foster self-reflection become the tools that help us navigate these uncharted waters. Journaling, walking in nature, feeling grateful and meditating help to develop our introspection muscle. These practices allow us to name our emotions, which in turn can help us make better decisions.
Wayfinding requires that we spend time with ourselves. Whether we’re overwhelmed with busyness or stopped in our tracks, now is the time to get in touch with our internal compass. Deep introspection allows us to connect the dots to find our way forward in uncertain times.