Go Slow to Go Fast
Even if it drives you crazy
As business owners, community leaders or concerned citizens, it will serve us well to go slow to go fast in the “Great Restart” of our lives over the coming weeks and months. Practicing this concept will show us that we can actually increase our speed by a lot, if we first slow down.
This is easier said than done, especially having been on a “safe-at-home” lock-down of our economy since March. Most of us need to get back to work and want to get back to the way things were. Unfortunately, bringing all the pieces together in a new normal will take time.
Focusing on small plans and decisions each week, rather than larger goals, is a way to go slow to go fast. Smaller milestones are easier to modify and allow for more flexibility in uncertain times.
The old saying “patience is a virtue” has never been more true than it is today. As much as we want to dive in and make something happen, we can only do what reality allows. Restraint continues to be a key leadership skill.
As we begin this new phase of re-entry, one-to-one conversations and group meetings are critical to our success moving forward. If I can’t say what I’m thinking, I’m thinking in a way that’s not helpful. Putting in the time up front for clarity of thinking as it relates to purpose, process and content for any conversation will pay big dividends on the back end.
All meaningful progress comes in fits and starts. Doing things right the first time may take longer on the front end but saves time on the back end. The classic adage and oxymoron “Festina lente,” meaning “make haste slowly,” serves as a reminder to perform tasks with a balance of urgency and caution. Speed to execution benefits by slowing down, thinking clearly and getting a grip on where we are and what is needed right now.
There has never been a better time for all of us to go slow to go fast.