EmpowermentDevra Ochs

The Future

EmpowermentDevra Ochs
The Future

“Those who do not try to create the future they want must endure the future they get.” Draper L. Kaufmman Jr.

Human nature is a funny thing when it comes to making major life changes. 

Some people dive in with impulsive vigor because the anxiety of doing nothing is too great. Others may become uncertain, unassertive or indecisive, preferring to put off action until absolutely necessary.  

Both of these responses are justified when we consider that we’re dealing with the unknown. We really don’t know how it’s going to turn out, and that’s the scary part about making any significant change.

Declaring our intention of what we desire is the first move to create the future that we want.  Once declared, we may view the horizon and evaluate what’s needed to move forward, and what might get in our way.  With this information we limit impulsiveness and empower ourselves to make informed decisions about how best to proceed. 

The truth is, we never know how something will turn out until we do it. Waiting for something to happen, going with the flow, or reacting with abandon does not ensure success. 

The trick is to be willing to be intentional, so that we have the best chance to create the future we want.